And ultimately, ultimately, we are committed we remain committed, we believe its the primary objective is to have a diplomatic process that can resolve this through negotiation, because we know there is no ultimate military solution. 最终,最终,我们致力于我们继续致力于,我们认为这是我们的主要目标即使用外交程序,通过谈判予以解决,因为我们知道,不存在终极的军事解决方案。
We have always been upholding the current international non-proliferation regime and standing for resolving the Iranian nuclear issue peacefully through diplomatic negotiation. 我们一贯支持维护国际核不扩散体系,主张通过外交谈判以和平方式解决伊朗核问题。
Parties concerned should adopt a pragmatic approach and enhance diplomatic efforts to resume dialogue and negotiation without delay. 有关各方应本着务实态度,进一步加大外交努力,尽快恢复对话与谈判。
Diplomatic negotiation represents the best chance for resolving the Iranian nuclear issue and serves the interests of all parties. 通过外交谈判解决伊核问题是最佳选择,符合各方利益。
Diplomatic ways are mainly adopted by China to settle international disputes, in which negotiation and consultation are mainly used. 中国解决国际争端主要应用政治方法,其中,应用的最广泛的是谈判和协商的方法。
Main from SUN SU's both parties concerning medium Su has diplomatic relation negotiation and two problems of outer Mongolia up of rift and it resolves to commence. 主要从孙苏双方关于中苏建交谈判和蒙古两个问题上的分歧及其解决入手。
The Qing government confronted a hard diplomatic struggle The negotiation with the Russian concerning their usurp of Northeast China was very tortuous. 清政府面对这种形势展开了艰难的外交斗争,其中对俄国企图霸占东北的交涉尤显曲折。
From the point of further analysis of diplomatic negotiations negotiator, negotiation organization coordinated role and organization of informal communication channels and opinion leaders, mass communication of public opinion guiding role. 从这一角度进一步分析外交谈判中谈判者、谈判组织协调作用及组织的非正式传播渠道以及意见领袖、大众传播的舆论导向作用。
He took part in a series of important diplomatic affairs, such as the Negotiation on Outer Mongolia Issue, Negotiation on Prohibition of Opium-smoking, Paris Peace Conference, Return of the Boxer Indemnity, Washington Conference, Negotiation on Establishing Diplomatic Relations with Soviet Union. 他曾参与了外蒙谈判、禁烟谈判、巴黎和会、退还庚款、华盛顿会议、中苏建交谈判等等一系列重大外交事件。